Sunday, 14 September 2014

Mississippi Blues Trail

To commemorate the places, people and events which have been influential or significant in the development of blues as distinct musical form, a body called the Mississippi Blues Commission has implemented a system of markers called the Mississippi Blues Trail.
These look like this on one side.......

i.e a bit about the person or place etc and why the marker is here.

Red's Blues Club is still going and we had a great evening there.

And the other side looks like this.......

with a lot more detail, some photographs, and links with other important places or people.

There's a great app which indicates the marker locations on a zoomable map and which holds a lot more information than is on the markers.
We used this to determine our route, and the map made it very easy to find the markers one we were in the vicinity.

We noticed that there are other series of markers - we saw several red ones relating to country music, which would have been interesting to follow. But one thing at a time..........

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