Saturday, 20 September 2014

Country Music

Why isn't country music more popular in the UK ? 
Would it be if it got more airtime ?
The music is almost always very accessible and the quality is generally very high.
Is it a cultural thing ?  i.e. songs about pickup trucks, highways and rodeos don't travel very well ?
I'm sure people would write great songs about Fiat Puntos, the A41 and bingo if there was a market for it.
But there's a lot more content which would seem to be universal.
And there can be a lot of humour as well. One song we heard a number of times was called "Drunk on a plane" about a guy whose fiancee had called off the wedding and, as he couldn't get a refund on the honeymoon tickets, he was going to Cancun anyway - alone. And getting drunk on the plane.
A lovely song, sad and funny at the same time.

Another one we picked up on during a previous trip is "All my Ex's live in Texas" (great rhyme) - it goes "All my ex's live in Texas, which is why I hang my hat in Tennessee"

I could go on - but if people ignore country music I guess it's their loss.

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